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The Servants of the Most Merciful

Questions and Answers
What qualities define "the servants of the Most Merciful," and how do they manifest these attributes in their interactions with others, particularly in the face of adversity and ignorance?
| The Fountain | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)

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The Servants of the Most Merciful

In This Article

  • It is a reality that we live in an era where everything has gone astray, where masses are in turmoil, where the ego reigns supreme, and many live their lives engulfed in complexes.
  • During periods when the atmosphere is polluted with such sparks of evil, it is very challenging for believers to maintain their noble moral qualities.

“And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them harshly, they say “Peace!’” (Qur’an 25:63)

There is a significant subtlety in referring to the believers as “the servants of the Most Merciful” instead of “the servants of God.” This implies that these believers are constantly engaged with God’s attributes of the Most Merciful (ar-Rahman) and the Most Compassionate (ar-Rahim), leading a life oriented towards His mercy and compassion. As they embody the “ethics of God,” their every action and behavior exudes gentleness, compassion, mercy, and kindness. They conduct themselves on earth with the dignity, seriousness, and humility befitting a believer. The refinement and beauty of their morals are reflected in all their actions, even in their walk.

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