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Beyond the Cage of Flesh

Beyond the Cage of Flesh

Gradual break of sorrow, every dawn on my horizon,
Who thinks about this? Ah, am I the only one?

Emotions one after another, loneliness, anguish; in exile,
Only I, who carries the weight of worry, and this pen.

As I speak it wearingly writes, as I think it silently sobs;
In this long-lasting journey, suffering never stops.

All will come to an end one day, except for longing,
Separation within reunion, reunion within longing...

Searching without finding; finding without reaching,
Day by day, I know not how often, dying and reviving...

Where did I come from; who am I?
Searching for something, invisible to the eye;

A Beloved, that holds the soul to my life; I pursue
the day I will find Him and say, “It’s you!”

My soul will come alive when I hear his call,

I’ll surpass this cage of flesh, once and for all.
